Gents Les Mielles Golf Club Constitution


1. Name and Objects

1.1 The Club shall be called "Les Mielles Golf Club", hereinafter referred to as "the
Club", and its objects are to promote and encourage participation and interest in the game
of golf in all its forms, including, but not limited to, organising and running competitions,
administering handicaps and arranging matches and social events on behalf of its

# 2. The Committee

2.1 The management and running of the Club shall be carried out by a Committee which shall have vested in it all the requisite or necessary powers so to do, including, but not limited to, the power to collect monies and to maintain bank accounts (on such mandates as the Committee shall decide) and to hold and manage the funds of the Club.

2.2 The Committee shall comprise:
The Captain
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Competitions Secretary
Honorary Handicap Secretary
Honorary Social Secretary
Honorary Juniors Secretary

2.3 Other Members and up to four nominees of Les Mielles Golf Course Limited, hereinafter referred to as "The Course", whose names and addresses shall have been advised in writing to the Club.

2.4 The responsibilities of Membership and Seniors Secretaries and such other responsibilities as may prove necessary shall be assumed by one or other of the members
of the Committee.

2.5 The Immediate Past Captain shall, for one year, be entitled to receive notice of and
attend any meetings of the Committee but would not have any right to vote at such

2.6 If any of the above Committee Offices remain vacant after an AGM or, if there
becomes a vacancy through resignation or, if the Committee Member is temporarily unable to carry out his duties, then the Committee may appoint another Committee Member to carry out his duties; or, co-opt a Club member to the Committee either to carry out the duties of the vacant office until the next AGM or, until the Committee Member is able to resume his duties.

2.7 Nominees of the Course shall be entitled to receive notice of and to attend and vote
at any meeting of the Committee.

2.8 A quorum at any meeting of the Committee shall be five members. Committee
Members must always be in the majority.

2.9 The Captain and Vice Captain shall be elected for a two year term of office. The
Vice Captain shall be expected to succeed to Captain but this will need to be confirmed at
the end of his first year in office.

2.10 All other Elected officers shall retire annually but may offer themselves for reelection.

# 3. Sub-Committees

3.1 The Committee must form Handicap and Competitions Sub-Committees whose members in each case shall include at least one Committee Member, who shall be Chairman.

3.2 The Captain, Vice Captain and Honorary Secretary shall form the disciplinary Sub-
Committee of the Club.

3.3. The Committee may form other sub-committees, either ad hoc or permanent, as
required. Members may be co-opted on to sub-committees, but each sub-committee must
always include at least one member of the Committee, who shall be the Chairman.

3.4 All decisions of sub-committees must be ratified by the Committee.

4. The Financial Year

4.1 The financial year shall end on the last day of October each year.

# 5. The Annual General Meeting (AGM)

5.1 The AGM of the Club shall be held not later than the last day of December each

year, to transact the following business:
To receive the Captain's Report;
To examine, and, if thought fit, approve the accounts for the past financial year;
To elect, if necessary, the Captain, and to elect the other Committee Members;
To appoint and elect the Auditors of the Club for the next financial year;
To approve the annual subscriptions proposed by the Committee or otherwise to determine the same;
To transact other business or proposals from members, details of which shall be submitted, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary at least 14 days before the date of the AGM, and must be within or concern the objects of the Club.

5.2 Notice of 21 days of the date of the AGM shall be given to every member by post, or through the medium of the public press. The Agenda for the AGM shall be posted on the notice board at Les Mielles Golf Course not less than 7 days before the date of the AGM.

5.3 All resolutions put before the members at an AGM shall be decided by a show of hands, or by ballot if considered necessary by the Chairman of the meeting.

5.4 No part of these rules shall be altered and no addition made, other than by a
resolution adopted at a General Meetings (AGM or EGM) by a minimum of a two-thirds
majority of those present and voting. No proposition to adopt such a resolution shall be put before a General Meeting unless it has been approved by a two-thirds majority of the
Committee and unless it shall have previously been approved, in writing, by The Course.

5.5 Every change to these Rules shall be, and will remain, posted on the Club notice
board until such time as it can be conveniently incorporated into the printed Rules of the Club.

5.6 Only those members who have paid their subscription for the current year shall be eligible to vote at a General Meeting and each member shall have one vote.

5.7 The Chairman for a General Meeting shall be selected and appointed by the Committee and he shall not have a vote at a General Meeting other than a casting vote in the event of a tied vote.

5.8 A quorum at all General Meetings shall be fifteen Members of the Club eligible to vote as aforesaid.

6. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

6.1 An EGM may be called EITHER by The Committee, on giving seven days' notice,
OR, on receipt by the Captain or Honorary Secretary of a written request signed by 25
members, eligible to vote at General Meetings as aforesaid, specifying the nature of the
business to be considered by or proposition to be put to such EGM, which shall be
convened within 21 days of receipt of such request.

6.2 In either event a minimum of 14 days' notice of the meeting shall be given to every
member by post or through the medium of the public press.

6.3 The Agenda for this meeting as set out in the notice thereof shall be the only
subject for discussion and shall be specifically mentioned in the notice convening the
meeting and no other subjects shall be discussed at the meeting.

# 7. Membership

7.1 No person shall be admitted to the membership of the Club unless and until their
application has been approved by a two-thirds majority at a Committee meeting.

7.2 Candidates for membership of any category shall be proposed and seconded by
existing playing members of the Club.

7.3 Membership is not transferable to any other person regardless of relationship.

7.4 Members resigning or being requested to resign by the Committee shall not be
eligible for return of either annual subscriptions or levies.

7.5 No members may hold full playing membership of more than one EGU recognised golf club in Jersey

7.6 Maximum numbers in each category of Playing Membership shall, from time to time, be decided by The Course, after consultation with the Committee

7.7 All members of the Club must be members of Les Mielles Golf and Country Club.

# 8. Playing Membership

8.1 Candidates for membership of all playing categories shall, once their application has been approved, be liable to pay a one off Joining Fee to The Course which sum shall be solely decided by The Course.

8.2 Joining fees shall be divided into the following categories:
Junior Playing
Others - as decided on by The Course

8.3 If a member lets their Club membership lapse, then such former member shall be liable to an entrance fee on rejoining at a later date.

8.4 The rates of green fees on Les Mielles Golf Course shall be decided by The Course.

9. Subscriptions

9.1 Annual subscriptions shall fall due on the 1st January annually and shall be divided
into the following categories:
Playing Member
Overseas Member
Junior Member
Non-Playing Member
Others - as decided by the Committee

9.2 The annual subscription for the various categories shall be decided by the Members at the AGM and shall be prominently displayed on the Club notice board for at
least 3 months thereafter.

# 10. Overdue Subscriptions

10.1 Any Member whose subscription is more than one month overdue shall cease to have the privileges of Club Membership with effect from 31st January. If such subscription remains unpaid on the 31st March in any year the person in default shall cease to be a member of the Club.

11. Honorary Life Membership

11.1 At the discretion of the Committee, Honorary Life Membership may be granted in
any senior category of membership.

# 12. Collection of Dues

12.1 Joining fees for all categories of membership shall be paid directly to The Course.

12.2 Annual subscriptions shall be paid to the Honorary Treasurer or any other
Committee Member designated by the Committee for the task, who shall issue relevant

13. Complaints

13.1 Any complaints against a Member, or Members, of the Club shall be made in
writing to the Honorary Secretary who shall forthwith send a copy of such complaint to all persons complained against and to the members of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee, and shall convene a meeting of that committee at the earliest convenient date.

13.2 The Disciplinary Sub-Committee shall have power to reprimand, suspend, expel
from the Club or impose any form of restriction of privileges which it considers appropriate on any Member, or group of Members, who infringe any Rule or bye-law of the Club, or the County Union, or, whose conduct has, in its opinion, been prejudicial to the character or interest of the Club, or whose conduct is likely to endanger the welfare, unanimity or good order of the Club.

13.3 The Disciplinary Sub-Committee shall be empowered to require the Member, or
group of Members, to withdraw from the facilities of membership upon receipt of a notice summoning such Member(s) to appear before the Disciplinary Sub-Committee until the date of the meeting to which such Member(s) shall be summoned.

13.4 If the Disciplinary Sub-Committee are of the opinion that the complaint or
complaints do not warrant them summoning such Member(s) to appear before them, such
Member(s) and complainants shall be notified in writing to this effect.

13.5 If the Disciplinary Sub-Committee are of opinion that the complaint or complaints
against the Member or Members does warrant such Member(s) being summoned to appear before the Sub-Committee, at least seven clear days notice in writing shall be given by the Secretary to the Member(s) of being summoned and the notice shall contain a notice detailing the complaint.

13.6 No Member shall be reprimanded, suspended, expelled or have privileges
restricted save as provided for in sub-paragraph 13.3 hereof without first being summoned before the Disciplinary Sub-Committee and full opportunity afforded to such Member to provide a defence. Should a Member fail to appear before the Sub-Committee, having given no prior reasonable explanation for failure to do so, the case will proceed and be dealt with by the Disciplinary Sub-Committee in such member's absence.

13.7 Any appeal against the decision of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee, as aforesaid,
shall be made to the Committee and shall be made in writing to the Secretary within 30
days from the date of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee's decision and such appeal shall
contain a statement detailing the grounds of appeal. Any appeal as aforesaid shall be
heard at the next regular meeting of the Committee or at an emergency meeting convened
for the purpose and the decision of the Committee shall be final and binding. At the
Hearing of the appeal voting shall take place by secret ballot and any resolution shall
require a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. From the date of lodging the Appeal, as aforesaid, until the same is determined, the Apellant(s) shall have full facilities or membership reinstated.

14. Rules of Golf and Competitions

14.1 The rules of golf approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, and
the local rules of the Club adopted from time to time, shall be the rules of the game of the

14.2 The Club agrees to abide by the Rules of Amateur Status as laid down by the Royal
and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.

14.3 The Club agrees to comply with the regulations and rules of the Standard Scratch
Score and Handicapping Scheme 1983 and any conditions imposed on the Scheme by the
Council of National Golf Unions or amendment or re-enactment thereof from time to time in force.

14.4 The Club agrees to abide by the rules of the Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Channel
Islands Golf Union.

14.5 The Club agrees to abide by the Rules of the English Golf Union.

14.6 The Club agrees to pay all per capita fees to the Union and/or the English Golf
Union, which includes all categories of playing members.

14.7 The Club agrees to host and support any Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Channel
Islands Union events played on Les Mielles Golf Course which have the prior approval of
the Course.

14.8 Any local rules shall be prominently displayed on the Club premises.

14.9 All block-booked competitions to be played on Les Mielles Golf Course must be
pre-arranged with and authorised by The Course.

# 15. Rules of the Club

15.1 Members shall be bound to submit to the Rules and Regulations of the Club, and if
any doubt should arise as to the proper interpretation thereof, the matter shall be referred
to the Committee, whose decision shall be final.

# 16. Dress

16.1 The Club regulations on appropriate footwear and dress shall apply to Members
and their guests.

# 17. The Course

17.1 No dogs or other pets shall be permitted on Les Mielles Golf Course.

17.2 The various geese, ducks, swans and other wildlife which inhabit the golf course
are protected and do much to enhance the area. Members are asked to be tolerant and
very careful.

These rules were approved at the Annual General Meeting of Les Mielles Golf Club held on 15th May 2000. (Revisions made to 2.2 & 7.5 at AGM on 07th December 2005)